The last time I posted on my blog was 2021. I was shocked when I read this. So much to share since December of 2021. I could be here all day but I’ll pass.
The reason I am here in this moment of time is because I read the title of a song called Symptoms of Being Human. I don’t know why but that one hit me like a brick. My head went right to thinking, what about the symptoms of chronic illness, but then I stopped myself. I started to think of the symptoms of being human that we all faced when a global pandemic hit. We all were affected together. Those who lost loved ones, friends, and coworkers. There’s a good chance we all new someone who lost their life to the virus. If not we certainly either had the disease or know someone who had the virus, maybe more than once. We all felt the pain. We felt the uncertainty together. We all missed out on life but also came together encouraging those who needed it the most. The symptoms of being human really made us think about our lives. One of the hardest questions we asked ourself, and maybe still are, is what does the future look like. Many are still trying to figure that out. Everything still feeling so unknown. It’s hard to get back to some kind of normal life. The best part is that eventually we all will it may just take a little more time. One of the greatest symptoms of being human is our resilience. We always bounce back.
We are all human so we are able to relate on the symptoms of being human. But what happens when chronic illness hits? The symptoms of being human can be brutal at times. The why’s. The trying to figure it out. The finding doctors and getting the appropriate care. Finding the energy to make it through the day. The tests. The surgeries. The procedures that all seem to never end. The list goes on and on. It is a little more complex and few will ever be able to relate. How sad this is for those of us who manage our daily lives with chronic issues. No one understands. People try and let me tell you from experience there are some absolute angels out there who never give up on us. We appreciate them so. The symptoms of being human turn into the symptoms of survival on a daily basis. Most of us try our best to stay positive and put on the face of normalcy but we are anything but normal. We fight, hard. We dream of only having to deal with symptoms of being human and wait for that day to return.
God Bless!