On days like today when that song came to mind it came to mind for very different reasons. Today I woke up fatigued to the max along with some other issues Physical symptoms I won't bore you with. I'm sure many people think, oh well don't complain we are all tired, but this is unexplainable. When I went to bed last night I had a plan for the today. Even as I was sitting drinking my coffee this morning I was putting my plan in motion, at least in my head. I sat for a while and forced myself to get moving. My plan was to vacuum and mop the floors and move onto getting out the Christmas stuff. I did it. I did! I had to push myself to the max and every ten minutes or so I would sit down and collect myself to get enough rest to go another ten minutes or so to make it to the next rest.That's how the day went. Do something, sit, etc. I accomplished more than I thought I would based on how the day started. Tonight I was suppose to go with Rich to a bible study but as you can tell that didn't happen. I jumped in the bath and thought about Ronnie's song and I thought about how much the home fires have changed. These days the fires burn inside my body and there are times I lose my control on them, at least to some degree. I tell you it would have been so easy to crawl back in bed this morning but I chose not to. I wasn't going to let the fire win today but it won tonight unfortunately. That's life when you live with chronic illness you pick and choose. You can still do things but it looks different now. There are times I win and times the fire wins. Frustrating? Yes! Very at times. But then I have to put my head back straight, find the peace, and remember all I can do instead of focusing on what I can't do. If you don't learn how to do that when you live with chronic illness the fire will always win and that is no way to live. Yes I am frustrated today but tomorrow is a new day and for that I am grateful!
God Bless!