What side of the brain do you use more? I never really thought about this until I saw it a few years back. I never learned about two sides of the brain unless I was in a class sitting and not present. I never recall it anyways. When I use to see this posted on facebook I first thought seriously? This is how the brain works? That was about it I never thought deeply about it until about a year or so ago when it popped up again and again. the more I read it the more I began to see the pattern and wondered where I was in this so called puzzle of the brain. I tried to put the pieces together but my pieces never fit. I knew I was not a total left side of the brain in many ways but then as I looked I began to realize I love science, biology, and am a very realistic and logical person so some of the pieces fit. I could figure out where the people I loved were easily but myself it was a little deeper. When I read about the right side of the brain I knew that was much more of who I was. All the pieces fit perfectly but if this were true how come I never tapped into that side of my brain that was who I am? What a question and what a struggle for me the past few years. The more I would see this Left vs Right example it would almost haunt me. I began to question myself and why I never used my creative side more. I am in my fifty-ith year and I have let so much passion and creativity pass by. What was use of tapping into it now? I decided it was time I used some of that creativity to express myself. I started to paint with some encouragement from a special friend of mine who has inspired me in so many ways throughout the my life. Carol has painted as she puts it, for her release. I never really thought about what my release was until she would talk or write of things. I decided after years of raising kids and taking care of the whole world it was time for me to find my release. What was it? I had no idea so I decided to go to Hobby Lobby and buy some supplies and try to paint something. I don't recall what I started with, but I think it was the abstract I did on a very large canvas, questioning myself the whole time. By the time I was done I thought to myself, as we always do, third grade work, but I liked it and hung it up. I would look at it and think I should have done this different or I should have painted that a different color. It was funny because what I thought was not so great everyone who came over always noticed that picture and wanted to know where I got it. If that wasn't a kick in teeth, slap upside the head, I don't know what was. Hearing encouragement from others, something I never really got, convinced me to move onto more paintings. I have since accomplished what I call now forth-fifth grade art. Yes, I have graduated a few grades up but also learned a very important lesson in the process. I have begun to learn I really am creative. I always have been. I know I am creative in ways I can't write, but to put it down on paper and make a piece of art that expresses your creativity gives you more than the passion that comes out of your mouth or the passion you use with your body. Now my passion is there out for the whole world to see and not just a select few if you know what I mean.
My blog has since become one of my passions. Another place I can come and unload when I am carrying any heavy burden, whether it is related to illness or otherwise. I can pour out my heart and soul and have no real attachment to it. I own it, yes it is mine, but to have to sit and try to talk about all the stuff that no one really wants to listen to is so much easier to write it without all those blank stares of disbelief as to what just came out of my mouth. I say it like it is and for some people it is too much so it is easier for me to come here and write it. Ahhh, back to my passion, music, art, and using that right side of my brain. I can say the painting is the best part of being able to do art on paper or that writing is one of my favorite parts of using my right side. It could be that I love to sing and have been know to belt out a song that pops into my head that makes me run to the computer saying, "I have to find out what this song is. I have the one line from it but I know it." Then, not leaving the computer until I find it and playing it telling Rich, "Ha I knew I could find it, it was this song," and playing it for him as he rolls his eyes. It is funny because Rich is a total lefty and we are polar opposites. I always ask him how in the world we got together being such opposites. Of course he says, "God knew we needed each other." My answer is, "Yes, he did because it is a good thing I am not with a crazy spur of the moment nutty person because we would get into a lot of trouble. I'm the one who still wants to go parking while he says we can't because we will get arrested. Cracks me up! I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get arrested at fifty, after being married almost thirty years, for parking. Seriously? But whatever.
I know the most important lesson I have learned of all in being a righty and listening to my brain. I must do something creative everyday even if it is cutting up a piece of paper. I must paint, or glue, or whatever. It keeps me in balance. I have only learned this over the past few months that this creativity is what keeps me grounded and if I don't get the fix I pay. I haven't done much art the past few days and I can tell. I don't sleep as well, I worry about stuff I shouldn't, and I am out of that balance. I am beginning to realize who I am. I never had much encouragement in my life when it comes to my creativity so when I hear a push or a shove from a friend or family member it gives me a reason to move onto that next project to keep my brain, heart, and soul happy and balanced. I'm not sure if that makes sense to most people but now after a long time meditating on it, it makes sense to me. I hope if you have creative juices that are flowing you listen to them and do something with them. Don't wait and let it pass you by like I did. Tap into your inner self and find what you love, what gives you that peace and understanding of yourself. The part that has nothing to do with anyone else but yourself!
God Bless!
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