I read this not only today but many times before. It use to make me wonder what my purpose in life really was but then I grew older and realized and wondered why do we beat ourselves up over our purpose? Isn't our purpose to love one another and be there when people need us? I can't really figure out any other purpose, at least for myself. If a job was my purpose then I am in trouble. If going out and partying with friends is my purpose that was lost many years ago. If my children were my purpose they grew up and left. If being ill were my purpose then I might have to wonder if, yes indeed, that is my purpose? Being chronically ill has taught me a lot but I sure don't believe that being ill has any purpose to it. Then again the more I have thought about being ill and the more I have tried to figure it out I have found maybe it is my key purpose now, at this time in my life, to use it in order to help others. I don't know. I think when you read things like this quote they make you beat yourself up for no good reason. If we are aware of what we do daily and try to do good and leave good wherever we go then what other purpose could we have?
I know many people who would pounce on this in a minute saying we are her to save people. Save people? Me? That kind of makes me crazy when I read or hear this. I am not one to preach to people. Yes, I have a strong faith in God but is it my purpose to condemn those who don't? I don't believe so. I'm sure many could argue this but my point is we are here to love, not knock people down, we all get enough of that from what we tell ourselves and many times from what the world tells us. I know of people who condemn others and I also know people do not want to be in the area of those people.
We tend to surround ourselves with people who show love and compassion and not with the people who judge and question us. If you love from the deepest part of your heart and soul people will want what you have. If they ask you tell them. Just as learning to do something, you must watch, to learn and what better way to live then by example? The example of Christ loving everyone. I struggle with this, not as much as I use to but still do. Jesus was with the lowest of the low all of the time. Loving them. I wonder why we hang with the people who are like us. The believers. Is it safe for us? The poor scare us? The homeless scare us? I think there is a lot of talk that goes on but when the medal hits the floor what are we really doing? Doing for our faith, for our beliefs? Are we preaching and condemning or loving and accepting? This world is ever changing and the things I witness of people arguing about and condemning concern me. Aren't we all God's children? We all think different so therefore we aren't always going to agree so what do we do? We hang with the people who are like us. It seems like that doesn't accomplish much in our purpose of life. Odd.
I know I haven't solved much here but whatever, I'm not here to solve anything. I'm not here to judge. I'm here to love. I can't give out much anymore but I can give out a little. I hope this entry may help someone to realize you are a good person, even if people are telling you that your not. Reach for your soul and be the person you are. Don't pretend to be something your not. If you are one of the few who know what your purpose is, use it. If not, continue to do good and don't worry so much about a purpose. The best purpose of all is to do good and love others. It's been in you the whole time!
God Bless!
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