I painted this picture over the past seven months or so only working on it a total of three times. There were days I thought to myself I should get that out but when you paint you have to be in the right mood. Plus by the time you set everything up and decide on colors you must make sure you have enough energy to actually do the painting which yes is an issue for me. This painting was actually inspired by another painting I saw on Pinterest but as usual when I got started to began to turn into something totally different. The first time I worked on it I did the upper right hand corner down to the brown part. The second time I worked on the lover bottom of the right side and the third time, which was yesterday, I worked on the whole left side. When I got it out yesterday it felt so right and with Rich being gone most of the day I thought what a perfect time to finish this thing. While I painted yesterday I got to thinking what a shame it was that I had only painted three times in the past seven months. It is something that I love and why do I wait so long in between projects? I then began to think about the past eight months with moving and all we have been through with that whole trip and a half. The brush kind of took over at that point. You see, The big brown/black circle in the middle was actually a brown and white circle that looked nothing like it did when I finished yesterday. As I painted I thought about the Wizard of Oz and how the tornado was spinning around and around while Dorothy was sucked up into it. I thought about how our life has seemed like that for the past few months as I am sure many other people have weathered their own storms and can relate. Almost out of control like the storm was never going to end we all just continued to swirl and swirl. This was the point where the brown and white turned to the brown and black with a big white eye in the middle. As the brush took over I thought how life can be funny like that where you feel out of control but when you think about it there is always that white center. God. Your soul. The people in your life who help ground you when you can't do it for yourself. The answers for the white eye can go on and on and I imagine it is different for everyone. Then the brush continued to darken the tail of that brown/black circle and as it did I thought about how life has a way of pulling you out of that tunnel and flipping you off its tail into the other parts of the painting. Sometimes into bright beautiful colors and other times into some darker colors and shapes. The unknown. The known. We all experience it all. I often think of how alike we are, all of us. We all hurt, we all love, we all cry, we all laugh, we all experience troubles in this life. We really are one in so many ways I just don't think we ever take the time to realize it because we are so busy chasing after whatever it is we chase after in this world. When I finished I had a huge moment that struck me. Through the tornadoes, through the sunshine, though the flipping in and out of good and bad there is one very important lesson in it all. In order to continue on in goodness we must always come back to the white part. The center. Our center. Focus on that center and not allow the little things in life to suck us dry. Feed your center so you can give to the world and help make life easier for another person. Life is life and we must do the best we can to foster goodness and share love even if other people don't we can't allow them to put out our fire. Then ask yourself why else am I here.
God Bless!
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