Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Exercise and Chronic Illness

When it comes to chronic illness and exercise the two words don't mix very well. Honestly I have always been an active person by staying on my feet moving and keeping busy. Doing laundry, cleaning here and there, cooking , etc but true blue exercise has never been on the top of my list. Looking back and from what I still experience the pain exercise has caused me always made me feel like it was easier not to do it. I have tried everything and truthfully I hate exercising. It's hard to explain how hard it is for the chronically ill. I thought yoga was my exercise but after we moved and I found a new place to go I began experiencing more pain that I knew was from the yoga so I stopped going. I would walk a little here and there but never took it all that serious. After we moved I gained weight and when I mean I gained I gained a lot. The move was very hard on me not only physically but emotionally. My emotional eating got the best of me. I am one of the worst emotional eaters on the planet. It isn't that I hold things in but I am a worrier and when I worry I eat. I have had this issue my whole life and as I have aged it has only gotten worse. A few months ago I began to think about all this extra baggage I have been carrying around and decided I need to get serious about getting rid of some of it. I know I'll never be a skinny person but I need to get healthier. I also know the benefits of exercise. 
In June I took the leap and signed up for a class at the pool. Arthritis exercise. It has been about five weeks and I am definelty feeling the difference. I love it and I believe this is my exercise. The long search in trying to find what works for me hasn't been easy but at least I feel like the search is over. Was it easy taking the leap signing up for the class? No! It can be very intimidating signing up for anything when you deal with physical issues. The questions run through your head. Will I fit in? Will I be able to keep up? What if I get half way through the class and I am weak and have to leave? What if? What if? I brought my thinking back around and told myself if I don't try I'll never know and if I didn't like it I didn't have to sign back up again. I went the first time and the women in the group welcomed me with open arms. They are all so warm and nice which made that first class very easy and the rest of the weeks I have felt very good about going. Mind you I am the youngest one I the class and young enough to be their daughter but I don't care. I feel better. Working out in the water is so much easier on my joints and doing it for an hour goes by very fast. I have no pain in the water.
I have also added walking to my exercise list. I like walking in nature but my body doesn't love it. Yesterday I made it for a fifteen minute walk and felt like I was walking through thick mud. When I went out I had the intention of walking thirty minute but after ten I was exhausted. I know, makes no sense but true none the less. I forced myself to go fifteen and continued to tell myself fifteen is better than zero. Last night I took my bike out and rode a mile, not much on a bike but still a mile more than if I was sitting in my chair.
Is exercising helping me? Yes! Is exercising causing me more pain? Yes! Is it worth it? Yes! I may have a few more issues going on but I'm not going to quit because of them. I am hoping over time they improve plus I will never know if I quit now. Is it a constant struggle? Yes! But I'm doing it. I have to say it to you, "If I can do it you can do it." Believe me you can! I have to go it's time for a walk!

God Bless!


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