Monday, June 18, 2012

You Can't Always Get What You Want

I was driving to the post office this morning flipping through radio stations as I stumbled upon the Rolling Stones singing, You Can't Always Get What You Want. It made me smile at first thinking of some sweet memories of my teenage years and the crazy people I use to hang out with. We sure had a lot of fun I must admit. When this song played back then neither I or my friends would have never thought about the words or were actually saying to us, we would just wait for the chorus so we could blurt out, You can't Always Get What You Want, from the top of our lungs laughing at the end. I would say that about most songs back then, if it didn't rock we would change the station or put in a eight track tape to find our favorite we could sing and rock to.

When my memories subsided and I came back to the reality slapped out of my 1980 memory, the part of the song that I heard was, But You Get What You Need. Back then I know we never thought about that part of the song, But You Get What You Need. We were carefree and clueless as to what the real world was back then. Now as the years have flown by and life has changed these words take on a whole new meaning, not just for me but I am sure for you also if you think about it. You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need. Think about it for a few minutes as to how these words pertain to you and your life. Listen to the song if you have to.

I think back to the beginning of my illness at its worse, realizing at this moment it is coming up on six years since my real struggles began. I can think about the words of this song in such a different way then ever thought possible when I think back to that time. I am specifically remembering six months after my actual diagnosis of Inflammatory Arthritis. Drugs were begun and in my system it was at that very time I started seeing a Neurologist for my muscle weakness and vision problems. It was a horrible time from a doctor appointments standpoint but it is also when the blessings in disguise began. Right at that specific time was when Dave and Katie told us we were going to be grandparents. It wasn't easy at first but now as I look back I can say with confidence, "You really do get what you need and at just the right time." I truly believe God sent Hunter as a true gift at a time that was very hard for all of us. Test after test, doctor appointment after doctor appointment, but knowing that our life would be blessed with a child gave us all hope. Hope for that brighter tomorrow. Hunter has blessed our life more than anything or anyone ever could, well he and Addison too. When she came along it was just another blessing stacked on top of the other!

You can ask for many things in life. Material wise or people wise, but you must believe you really are given what you need at just the right time. Yes, sometimes what you are given isn't good, but you must always try to find at least one little glimmer of hope and goodness in every situation, good or bad. If you are unable to do that then what is the reason you are here? It really is true when you are going through a hard time that many of those times you are unable to see why you have to struggle but many years down the road as you look back, you will find there really was a reason and you really do, get what you need. So remember, You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need. What a great thought to ponder on for today!

God Bless!


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