I saw this on facebook today and I believe it is true, at least I use to anyway. I truly believe the first three lines, but as it gets half way through the forth line I start to have an issue. It isn't always true that you get what you give, for me anyways. In fact, sometimes you can give and give and give and still get kicked in the teeth. It is funny this would come up today in my news feed as I have been struggling with this for quite a few years and even more over the past few weeks but especially this weekend. Things have happened over a certain span of time for me that make me wonder about a lot of things. I read about karma, what goes around comes around. I see other things that say bad, mean, rude, selfish people will get it back when karma bites them in the ass. Really? It's funny to me because some of the things I have witnessed and thought would never happened to me have happened and I haven't seen karma do anything about it. I think we use the karma thing to make ourselves feel better so we #1 don't explode or #2 don't open a can of whoop ass on people, once again for me anyways. Well, that and a husband who won't let you open that can.
I also believe you really can do good and give, give, give, but never really get anything in return. I am not talking in a sense of getting anything in a material sense but just a thank you. I know this is not coming across in the way I want it to at all. I have stories I wish I could tell here to give examples but once again I can't. I have come to realize the selfish ways of the world seem to be taking over and that is just the way it is. Over the past few years, but especially the past year, I have decided to cut lose some of that negative stuff and people from my life. It hasn't really helped me to understand why people can be so rude and treat me so wrong but it has helped me to not have to deal with some, not all, of their inconsiderate actions and or words. How some people can treat another human being so awful is something I will never understand. The hardest part is when you are tied to certain people and you can't just take an eraser and erase them, their drama and their bad energy . Relationships are hard but they get even harder when they are a one way street. There are the times you must take the higher ground and realize whatever you do it will never be enough. There are the people out there who are so unhappy with themselves that they enjoy making everyone else miserable with them, at least that is another conclusion I have come to.
Whatever the answer is I am not 100% sure, but I do believe there are times you don't have to always try to make everyone's life happy or seem okay, that is their job. When they begin to drag you down time and time again I believe it is okay to move on. It seems life is like that. You go through cycles. Think about your life over time gone by. You begin to see patterns or friendships that came in cycles and when they ran their course or your purpose in that relationship was done you moved on. It isn't a bad thing it is just the way life works. The more I think about it the karma is for us. For us to deal with all the bad that goes on out there.Yes, we still need to love and care, but when the line is crossed and you are the one doing all the caring and giving in any relationship it is time to let it go. It is time to pack it up and move on taking your karma lesson with you. I have finally come to this point in my life. I have struggled for years trying to do and make certain people happy. I have sacrificed a piece of myself in the process and a piece of my sanity. These sacrifices have not helped my illness at all. Making changes in your life when you are ill, even deleting people from your life, are all okay changes. I don't know why we think we need permission to do it. I sometimes think it is a spiritual thing for me. I am a christian so I think I can't do things like this because it goes against everything I believe, or someone will use my faith against me or call me a hypocrite. I now know that being a Christian doesn't mean I am perfect it just means I need Jesus, even more in certain situations. After all I am human and a sinner. I try. I really do, but this world makes it awful difficult to always do what is right. You must learn to do what is right for your own state of mind and your own physical health. I can't believe God would punish me for that.
Today is a new day. I am learning slowly but surely how to let go and move on from the draining selfish people in my life, are you?
God Bless!