Yes I should be packing for the move but hey when the blog calls it calls and you just have to listen. I have been preparing for a new PCP doctors appointment over the past month. Yes, over the past month. I am sure when you go to the doc you don't even think about any sort of preparing besides finding the time to get there like taking the time away from your job, your kids, your life. For me it is much different. It is like an annoying mosquito bite that keeps itching and won't go away. ALL the stuff I have to write down to give the new doc so she/he can roll their eyes in amazement and probably wonder if I am a hypochondriac. I don't care anymore it is what it is. I have so many on going issues I can't even remember all of them at once, hence the reason it takes me a month to write them all down in my love note as my Rheumetologist refers to it.
My search for an PCP doc has been an ongoing issue for years and believe me I am not picky I just want to be cared for the way I should be cared for. This doc I am going to this week is a doc that my daughter worked with as her nurse in an Allendale office. I thought about switching to her long ago when Katie told me how good she was but I thought it not fair to Katie to go to a doc who would know all about me and I didn't want to put Katie in that position. You know, like every time she went to work the doc would look at her like, Oh ya your mom's crazy. It's true when you are ill you feel like that on so many levels. We all know no one understands but it is the absolute worse when your doc thinks you are crazy and blows things off. Well, long story short the doc left the practice and moved downtown by Spectrum Hospital. My mother has went to this doc even when she was at the office Katie worked at and she kept telling me to try her. My mom would tell me. "She is very good and will take great care of you." It just didn't feel right. After last years physical and being blown off by my current PA I decided I need to take control once again but this time I thought to myself I am not just going anywhere because of the convenience. I have serious issues going on and I need the right doc. I feel I may have finally made the right choice. Another reason I had I didn't change to her was that I wanted to stayin the Metro system because my Rheumatologist is a Metro doc and there is no way I am switching from her. It made appointments with her easier because she could look up any tests results I had on the metro system. Now I will have more work making sure test results are sent to her but I just had to make this switch on the quest for good care. I don't even care if I get great care, just good care. I don't need a doc as a friend I need a doc as someone who listens, gets it and takes care of me, that's all.
Finally! I have my two page essay ready for my new doc with all the info I could possible write in order to get her on the same page as me and my other docs. It is frustrating getting ready for these appointments but at the same time I am hopeful to resolve a few issues that need to be addressed. Ya, I know what you are thinking, 'She just had her suregery how can anything else be wrong?' Well, as I have wrote many times before in my blog and I am sure I will continue to say, "It never ends." It sucks and sometimes I want it all to end but then I think to myself if I give up then who wins? I can't allow the illness to win so I push on, pain and all. I do the best I can and most of all I refuse to give up on myself even when doctor's do.
God Bless!
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