Thursday, November 22, 2012


I am thankful. I am thankful everyday but I am sure in a much different way than most.  Last night at our church service our Pastor preached on being thankful. His message hit home for me because it started out with all the obvious things we are thankful for but what about the little things? You know like electricity if your power goes out and you wish you had it, along those lines. I find it curious how on the occasions that I am able to go to church the Pastor preaches on some of the things I think about and last night was no different. Well, for me, everyday, I thank the Lord for drugs that help me make it through a day. I am thankful that God gave me a husband who understands what I go through when I very well could have ended up with some jerkface who might not understand. I am thankful I am able to not work and my husband has a job that allows me to stay home in order to take care of myself. Of course, I would love to be able to work but for now my health does not allow it. I am thankful for the obvious, family, shelter, living in the US of A, all the stuff we are all thankful for but for me it all means just a little bit more as my life is very small these days.

Today I am thankful. Thankful that we are having our Thanksgiving with our family tomorrow because I woke up at 4 am with a slight migraine. I warded it off but i am still feeling wiped out. I am thankful we are not having a house full so I can rest a little bit today. I am thankful Rich will be here today to help me prepare food for tomorrow. I am thankful we will have the day together, alone! We have alone time during the week but it is different because Rich usually comes home tired and has used all his words for the day by the time he gets home. I am thankful for scrabble, the board game, because I am going to kick his butt in a game of it today. I figure if I am able to beat a Michigan Grad then I for sure can beat a business man with ease, at least I hope I can. I am always thankful when I beat Rich at a game because he is so competitive. Wii bowling, I am the champ, beating him brings me great joy. I am thankful Richie and Leah will be home this evening to share some of their time with us. I am thankful for coffee. I am thankful for chocolate. I am thankful for children. I am thankful for my pets. I am thankful for makeup and hair products. I am thankful for stretchy pants. The list could go on and on but you get the idea.

In life it is not about the grandeur. It is about the small things combined to make the big things. If we look at life it isn't about the large stuff it is that combination of all the little stuff. The things we want compared to the things we need. The kindness of a friend or a stranger in the smallest of acts that can make our whole day happier. It isn't about buying someone a large gift or gifts, but about giving someone a piece of your heart to make them feel loved and cared about. I always say if we do not care about one another what is the reason we are here? If we are too busy to care then we are too busy. We cannot care about everyone that crosses our path but we can about some and hope that the ones we are unable to show love to are being showed love by someone else. It is the circle of love thing. I hope that we can all keep the spirit of thanksgiving in mind until thanksgiving day next year and remember the small things in life and not the big. Let's be thankful!

God Bless!


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