Well, there it is. All I want for Christmas. I'm not talking about a trip to somewhere that will only last a week or a place that is somewhere that will only become a memory, but a place, a haven where I can go to rest my aching body when it is turning against me. A place to loosen the painful muscles. A place to relax and calm my mind. A place like above to soul search and find that inner peace that is so easily distracted by all that I should be doing and quite frankly on many days am unable to do. We all need to have a place like this to let it all go and forget about all that the world is trying to pull from us. A place to just be. A place to quit the mind and the soul.
I have a place, well, a bathtub. It is without a doubt, with the exception of Rich's arms, my favorite place to be in the world. To be truthful the bath is the place I go to before I can go into Rich's arms so I guess it is really my go to place. It is crazy but when I first saw this picture it actually took my breath away. You see, when you live in pain the heat and the water become your best friend. It is sad that whatever you do and wherever you go that most of the time all you can envision is your hot, steamy bathtub. It's the sad truth and you know what? I don't even care that I have to admit that anymore.There are times I sit waiting for the water to fill up and I thank the Lord for our bathtub. For me the bath is like whiskey to the alcoholic or chocolate to the chocoholic. I am being very serious here.
Rich is my number one cheerleader when it comes to my bath addiction. His famous last words in the evening are, "You go take your bath and I will finish up here," which may be doing dishes or whatever I am in the middle of at any given time. The times he can read my face and know that it is time to go soak to relax all the muscles that are overworked trying to keep my joints moving. Of course some days are worse than others and it is amazing to me how he knows by just looking at me. I am not a complainer, unless it is a really bad day, I would never let him know, but he does. He worries way to much and has enough stress with his job so I try to fake it. Well, you can't fake it with the person who can read you like a book. So I hear, "Go take your bath," almost every single night.
We are talking about moving into a house with less steps, not only because steps can be hard to get up, but they can also be a hazard to someone who has issues walking down them. Falling and getting hurt is a constant when you are ill, so we are seriously looking for a place that is ground level and has no steps or very few. Our house now is on a hill with nothing but steps, steps, steps. I hate it but I do not let Rich know how much, but he knows. The funny part is that the two things Rich is concerned with when we either find a house or build one is number one, the bathtub, and number two, no steps. It saddens me that all he worries about is me. He isn't worried about having the big man garage or the things other men worry about, no he is worried about the bath and the steps. Living with me has changed his whole being. It saddens me so.
The past month or so I have been thinking about all the scrap booking stuff I have in the spare bedroom in the basement and I thought it would be so nice to have all that stuff on the main floor so I could actually do it. I waited and waited to tell Rich my idea because I didn't want to add more onto his plate but the other day I did bring it up, finally. He was ready to move it the second I told him what I was thinking. He is always so willing to make life easier for me. I told him not now and to wait until the guys were here and they could all do it together. It seems he gets so wrapped up and worried about taking care of me he forgets about himself. It is hard for me, very hard. Geeze, here I go getting off track again, I never know where this blog is going to lead me.
Back to the bath. Truthfully I don't care what kind of bath we get as long as we have one available. It makes no difference to me if it has jets, if it is round, if it is large, or if it is small, as long as it has hot steamy water and I can cover my body I am good! I think it is time to end this blog because I hear something. I can hear the words of Rich telling me, "Just go take your bath," so you know what? I think that is just what I am going to do.
God Bless!
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