When I first saw this cartoon it made me laugh and yell hells ya! Reminded me of the song I'm sexy and I know it. I mean if you think about it being sexy is not just an outside thing but it really comes from deep within your soul. Am I any less sexy than I was before the illness? The other thing I thought about this picture was, that is so me, in a picture at least. Adventurous, pretty secure in myself, most of the time. I like to be alone, and taking the risk of sounding like a snob, I like myself. I am my favorite person to hang out. I am always right, which is usually the case even when people are around. I am pretty much in control when I am alone and have no one to argue with or yell at. I have no one to take care of but me. I can do whatever I want whenever I want and not have to hear anyone say 'I don't want to do that.' It isn't a bad place to be, alone with yourself, and since I spend more than half my life alone I have learned to bring out the creative person that has been hiding away for years because I was so busy trying to make everyone else happy. I like where I am at now and I'm not afraid to say that. I hope that doesn't come across as a selfish statement, just a true one. A confident statement. A I know who I am statement. To me there is nothing wrong with that. You see, when you are alone a lot you learn who you are and that isn't a bad thing at all! Plus, being ill kind of pushes you into a place where you are better off alone. It is hard to be in the world because you can never keep up. It is all good.
I colored my roots today, yes I am vain too, and as I was drying my hair after I washed the color out I thought to myself, do I have a distorted self image? I sure do feel like the woman sliding down the slide but as I look in the mirror I see a different woman. I remembered the last time I slid down the slide with Hunter and Addi at the park and the next week was horrible as my neck went out and the pain was excruciating. I surely am unable to wear the red high heels anymore, not that I ever could. I can hardly balance on two feet let alone high heels so now the fashionable red slippers take their place. Her outfit? Ya, looks sweet and sexy on her but I am pretty sure I could never find it in my size. The same words keep crossing through my mind, do I have a distorted self image? I have to believe I don't, but I still wonder as that keeps crossing through my mind. Do I have a distorted self image? Yes, there was a time I was able to do all that stuff. Slide down a slide without a payoff. Put on the heels and drive my man crazy and not fall. Wear the skimpy cloths but as I think about it I still do all those things just in a different way. A way that keeps me acting my age. A way that protects me from the evil called pain. A way that still drives my man crazy, but then he is a man, doesn't take much there. We both have relaxed more as we have aged. All in a good way. A way that helps me to realize my self image isn't so distorted after all even with all I have been through and I love that!
God Bless!
Two things I will suggest Dianne, true beauty is whats in a persons heart, and while you may no longer be able wear the heels, treat yourself in some way to make up for it that makes you feel good about yourself, xoxoxo Andrew