Sunday, September 30, 2012

Illness Doesn't Care

This past week I started to feel better, whatever better is. I was trying to lay as low as possible because I knew the kids, minus Richie and Leah, were all coming over on Saturday to help Rich do some work in the woods to get ready for deer hunting. There were trees that needed to be cut down and all the little things at go along with hunting. I absolutely love being in the woods  but I love it even more when the kids and Hunter and Addi come over to go out there with us. It is such a joy for me to watch them enjoy nature and to be able to teach them things about nature. One problem, illness doesn't care.

Like I stated above I spent the week still laying low after recovering from the prior few weeks of not doing so well, that is until it came to Friday. If the kids come here I always try to make some of the foods they like and this time was no different. Rich has a great idea and suggested BBQ so it could be in the crock pot and they could eat whenever they wanted and we wouldn't have to cook while they were here. I also made pasta salad and had chips and brownies. You would think that is a pretty simple menu for a lazy day and it is for most people. Friday I went to the store and bought all the stuff and made it all Friday afternoon. Big deal right? Yes, for most people no big deal for me like climbing Mount Everest. Illness doesn't care.

I went to bed Friday night excited and couldn't wait for the next day to arrive, something I don't usually do, think to far ahead. You can imagine my frustration when I woke up with a slight migraine at four am. I figured if I took the tylenol it would be better by morning, especially since my neck was causing me so much pain. Stupid choice of drugs at that moment. I laid back down and kind of fell back to sleep and woke fully at six am with a full blown migraine. I took some excedrin migraine because I hate to take the prescription meds I have because they cause me to be ill for a few days after so for the past six months or so I have been riding out the pain. Let me tell you yesterday I should have taken the script. I had the worst migraine ever. I was so frustrated about the day being ruined but more upset and worried about getting rid of the pain. I tried everything I could think of but still ended up in bed until one pm. By the time I got out of bed I took even more excedrin migraine. It helped enough to take away the pain and I was able to go outside for a little bit. The day ended better than it began. Illness doesn't care.

This coming week Rich and I are on vacation or should I say Rich is on vacation. We don't have much planned because as you can tell from above illness doesn't care. Illness doesn't care if my family is coming over so why would it care if Rich and I are going to try to get away together? We talk about taking trips like to Vegas or to an all inclusive but the fear that illness doesn't care kind of prevents us from doing it. I have no idea what will happen. I don't know if my body will react to flying in some odd way. I don't know if sleeping on a different bed or having a different pillow will send me into hell. It is funny because it can be just a little change that can send me into some sort of flare. I now figured out why I had the neck and migraine issue yesterday. I use a water pillow and it seemed like it was getting to flat so I added a very little amount of water to it. What a mistake that was. I figured it out this time what it was that gave me the headache, but only after laying in bed yesterday morning going over it in my head. Over it and over it and over it, trying to figure it out. I also know doing the shopping and the little bit of cooking added to the mix. It is insane how the little things people do everyday and take for granted are the same things that send me into hell. Illness doesn't care.

In ending this post I know that when Rich and I decide our destinations this week there will be one thing that is a definite for sure. We will be taking something along that we don't want to take along. The illness. It isn't like a regular vacation where you can leave everything behind and just get a way. I can't take the illness off like a coat and throw it in the corner until we get back. Our whole week will have its own captain of the ship. Our captain will dictate what we can and can't do. It will decide for us whether we can go here or go there. It may allow us one day of fun and who knows what it will allow the next day as it may zap me to the ground if I do to much. Illness doesn't care.

One thing is for sure. The illness may be there and may control some parts of our vacation but we will still be together. If that means one day or two we have to rest and lay in bed we will and believe me we will enjoy every second of it. Whether it is sight seeing or laying in each others arms the illness will be there but our hearts and souls will be connected. Take that illness because we don't care. We don't care if you tag along and we don't care what you do to us. We will fight you and we will still enjoy everyday no matter what, but I am almost sure illness doesn't care.

God Bless!


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