Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Don't Believe Everything You Read

Skimming through the social media sites I see everyday there are times I tend to become somewhat frustrated with articles or advice I read. I am a firm believer in educating myself on my illness and learning as much I can about living with my diagnosis. If you don't take that control no one else will. I hope this is true for yourself too.

Today I read something that said, pain only makes you stronger. Really? I'm pretty sure if you asked someone who lived with chronic pain they might say something like this, "Pain makes me tired, pain wears me out, pain makes me angry at times, and on certain days pain controls my life." Makes me stronger? Maybe. I have read, pain isn't for wimps, now that one I tend to believe. Pain causes you to prioritize your life. It forces you to focus more on what is good for your health. It forces you to make choices that work for you. Why can't all these expert advice givers write about the real aspects of living with pain instead of giving their advice about it? I get confused. 

There are the times I read something that is so ridiculous I will bust out in a ha ha ha good one. A perfect example is the sleep cures I have read so many times. When you are in pain sleep is disturbed no matter how many tips you read and apply to your "trying" to get a good nights sleep. Don't watch tv. Don't eat before bed. Only go to bed when you are tired? Really? So I should go to bed 24/7 because I'm always tired, which brings me to the fatigue. Exercise more, do this, don't do that and your fatigue will get better. Ok if you say so but when I'm so weak I can hardly get out of bed how am I suppose to exercise more? I do the best I can with what I have. I get so frustrated with some of this advice I want to scream. It's not like the chronically ill aren't already doing the best we can and we sure don't need to feel put down anymore by people who have no idea what it is like. That's another thing that bothers the heck out of me, the people who write to tell us chronics what we should or shouldn't do are the same people who are healthy and have no health issues holding them back. It's kind of like people who have no kids telling people who do what they are doing wrong raising theirs. Ya that, it makes no sense. Or it might be me trying to tell someone how to do their job when I don't work and have no idea what it is like to have a job. There are so many times I read someone's opinion on my illness that cause me to come unglued. I could go on and on.

I am learning to keep my feelings in check when I read something and snicker under my breath but it sure isn't easy at times. I know for me stress is something I need to control. Having a big heart I tend to get angered quite easily when I feel people are being put down or made to feel what they are doing isn't enough. We are all the captain of our own ship. We are under no obligation to let anyone's opinion rule our lives or the way we live. I'm personally trying to steer clear of advice or articles that do not lift me up and give me hope. Life is hard enough we must take control and push on the best we can.

God Bless! 


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