Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I received a call on Monday that my shoe inserts were ready to be picked up so of course as soon as I hung up the phone I was in the car. It was another rough weekend but that's okay. It wasn't all from the foot but I am still having continuous issues. I am happy the pain was kept at bay and at a level that I could handle. The worst part is that my neck has been giving me more issues than normal once again. I cannot win. I jump from one thing to another. Yesterday my gastritis, inflammation of the stomach, was acting up once also. This is very common with autoimmune suffers but it is usually just a mild twinge of pain and nothing to really write about, until the past few days. I knew it was getting worse on Monday but I figured take some Gaviscon and it will be gone, this time I was wrong. Yesterday I went into a full blown attack and it wasn't/isn't any fun at all. At this moment it is semi controled because I stopped at Walgreens and bought a bottle of Malox liquid. I ran to the car put my seatbelt on and grabbed the jug out of the bag. I looked around and thought to myself I better not chug it right here so as soon as I got on the road at a light I chugged a few gulps. I have no idea why I was concerned about doing it in the parking lot when the light was just as busy. Dizzy! But truthfully when you are experiencing jabbing pains in your stomach that won't subside you gotta do what you gotta do. Chuggalugglugg! Ahhhh, semi relief! I can live with this.

I went this morning for a massage to hopefully loosen up some of the muscles in my neck so I can get back to sleeping again. I always have issues with my neck when I lay down but when it is this bad it is a nightmare to say the least. It would figure I would have to deal with more than one thing on top of all else and all at the same time. When my neck goes out it sends everything out of balance. I have wrote many times how important sleep is when you suffer any pain or autoimmune disease. I stopped massages over a month ago because I wanted to find a new place to go and never got around to finding a place, bad move on my part and the past few weeks I have begun to pay for it.

I received a flyer from The Center For Good Health in Holland. Mind you, I usually either skim through those flyers or throw them away without a second thought. You have to understand when you are ill just reading a flyer with all the classes you can sign up for can make you feel really bad because you can't do them. You start thinking how unfair it is that you can't do that exercise class or that swimming class or whatever it is you read, I hate doing that to myself.  This time was different I actually sat down and skimmed more intensely through the brochure book. I read and thought to myself, 'oh how I wish I could do that.' Then I came to a smaller ad that said medical massage and I thought to myself I should call so last week I called and talked to a very nice lady for a while. She explained about the message and I made the appointment for today. When I was driving home today after the massage I already felt looser so I am very thankful for that.
The woman who worked on me has to have been a Godsend, that is all I can say. She has lupus. She was on all kinds of medications and now takes none. She is writing a book and hopes to have it out in the next year. Can you imagine how it felt as I heard her talk? If you have been following my blog the past few weeks I have talked much about how sick I am of taking these drugs and I now I meet someone who has weaned off all her drugs, is writing a book, does massage therapy, and also teaches yoga at the center. Guess what? I signed up for Very Very Beginners Yoga. YAY for me! This is a monumental step for me and I feel God has finally led me to the right place at just the right time and to the right person. I must tell you, as she laid her hands on my neck and upper back her first words when she felt my muscles were, "OH SWEETHEART," in  a very understanding but concerned voice. It wasn't the I feel sorry for you voice but the voice of someone who could feel my pain in her hands. I knew at that moment I was in the right place and this was before she even started telling me her story. Plus she had great energy so I liked that a lot!

I made another appointment for next weeks massage and I am looking forward to feeling better. I have got to try to take some control of this madness. I feel like I keep going downhill instead of up. I am hoping I will have more good days and nights after I get on some kind of a mind, body, spirit plan. I know I already do these things for the most part, but I also know I need improvement with all of them, I think we always so no matter how well we do them. So, here is taking the bull by the horns and once again trying to do more things right than wrong. It isn't that easy and takes time. We are all a work in progress. Fall down, get back up. Suffer and know you will come out of it. It is all good somehow and God sends what we need when we need it if we are only open to listening. I'm glad I listened!

God Bless!

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