Monday, March 12, 2012

At The Risk...

At the risk of sounding like a totally negative person I just have to write it. You should have known it was coming so here it is:

What is up with customer service these days? I am not just talking about the customer service side, but about the kindness and compassion that goes along with it. I think it has all but disappeared in this selfish world. I mean really, how can people be so rude? I really don't get it. I understand maybe you have worked a whole 2 hour shift and are tired but it is your job? Do we all need a definition of job? Do and give your best work for someone else and get paid for it. Simple! They do not owe you, nor do the customers owe you because you are tired and need a break. You are actually getting paid to do your JOB??!! Seriously when I worked in the salon I worked a 12 hour day with not even a break in it. Then on top of that our boss would shove clients in between a booked day and expect us to just squeeze them in. "It is only a haircut, you have time." Huh? Well, okay if you say so boss since you do own the shop and you are doing me a favor by allowing me to work for you. Now days it seems bosses have to pussyfoot around their employees for fear of being sued or whatever other stupid thing people come up with. Of course this is not everyone so if you are a good worker please stop reading!

Then there are the rude customers these days. Today as I am checking out talking to the young girl at the register, yes she WAS working while she was talking, the gentleman behind me butted in and wanted to know if the liquor store next door was a discount liquor store. How completely rude especially since she was telling me how tired she was with her newborn keeping her up all night. We were in the middle of a very pleasant conversation when he decided to be rude. I cannot believe some people. Is it really that hard to hear people in the middle of a conversation?

I did not have a very good weekend with customer service or with customer rudeness. I do not get out much, not much at all. When I do I expect to be treated the same way I treat others when I am out. I would never dream of being rude to someone so why should I allow others to be rude to me? In conclusion, my take on all of this is that I am living in the past. Our world and people have changed. I believe I notice that much more because I don't get out much. I see the changes much more because I have not been out there witnessing the change that has taken place. I don't like it at all. I know it is what it is, but I will not accept it. In fact it makes me want to be even nicer to make up for the rudeness that is surrounding us.

Please do not think that I am a complainer. I'm not, really. I just hope if you are reading this you will take a vow with me to be kind or kinder which ever one fits you. Don't let the world suck you in. Stop complaining if you have a job and do it with joy. I realize it can be hard, I really do. I only dream of having a job. You also must understand when I go out into the world I have a little teeny tiny bit of energy for each trip. I plan my trip out to the minute from the time I get ready to which route I will take, how I will enter a store so I can circle around and not have to back track, how I will load the car and so on. It IS a full time job for me to go out in public and when I am out there it is nice to see smiling faces and not crabby people. It really isn't that hard to be nice. My parents taught me to respect people and I have taken that lesson as a life long lesson that I will carry with me to the grave. Well, unless someone pisses me off and my human side comes out. Thankfully that doesn't happen to often. Now, Go out and be good to the world you are only here once so do it right!

God Bless!


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