Friday, March 30, 2012

There's Humor In Everything

I was reading my Arthritis Today Magazine this past month and there was a small article called, What's so funny about Arthritis. I had to chuckle when I saw the title and at first I thought to myself, what is so funny about arthritis? Really, not much, but then I read the article and I began to chuckle. Here are the blurbs they had listed.
*You've ever spent more than 20 minutes figuring out how to get out of the tub without using your arms or legs.-S Parmer 82
*You say you can't tie your shoes, then hear, "Want me to teach you, Grandma?"-Great Grandma
*You've looked through the Kama Sutra -not for variety, but for comfort.-Julie Geek
*You think the little foil tops on the yogurt containers were put on earth by satan.-Pet Peeve
*Your friends don't seem to worried when your Facebook status says you're "shooting up" every Saturday night.- Chrissie
*Your joints give a more accurate weather forecast than the weatherman.-Amanda from the North.

Come on now you have to admit you had a few chuckles there. I decided I have a few of my own as I am sure you have many of your own too.
*Every time you have to walk up a hill or a flight of steps your husband pushes your butt with both of his hands and you don't even have to ask him to do it, he just knows.
*Your grandson is planning on making a robot to catch you when you fall UP the steps.
*When you see a child in the shopping cart at the grocery store you get extremely jealous.
*You take a 5 minute walk but according to your mind, and body, it was like running a marathon, and you are proud of yourself afterwards.
*Last night you told your husband you were going to make him a nice dinner tomorrow, by noon the nice dinner is turning into just a burger, by 3 it is leftovers.
*When you are hanging out with your friends all you can see is your hot steaming bath and all you can hear is your nice comfy spot on the couch calling your name.
*When the phone rings you act like you don't hear it and continue on with whatever you are doing at the moment. I mean really, who has the energy to talk and solve others problems, you can hardly solve your own.
*Your dressiest outfit is stretchy pants and a t-shirt with a frumpy old fleece jacket to keep you warm.
*During sex you make more noises than a French whore.
*You rub against anything and you get a bruise and think of them as body art.
*The best one and my favorite: You are able to find humor in the simplest of things because you realize life is short and we only have this moment.
*You can't remember anything and your favorite line is, "You never told me that. I hear that one all the time. I blame the meds!

If you can tell from the above, being ill isn't all that bad. It bring everything in to perspective. The little things to most people are the big things to all of  us. Yes, it is a PITA-(pain the the a**) but it certainly isn't all that bad if you are able to find humor in the worst of situations and can laugh at yourself.

Advice for today? Keep laughing! Some days that is all you have so why not take advantage of it? I know I do! Live, Laugh, Love! We cannot allow being chronically ill take our joy away from us! Well, except on the really bad days, then we have a good reason. On all other days apply humor and move on the best you can!

God Bless!


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