Thursday, March 29, 2012

I Wish I/We Had A Place To Go

I wish I and other chronically ill people had a place to go. If you are not chronically ill you will never understand what this post is about but I know most of the people who read this are either ill, live with someone who is or have lived with someone who is, so it will make sense to all of you.

When you are chronically ill there are days that you feel you have no where to go. If you are having a good day an outing to you may be a much needed trip to the store or out to pick up your meds and other medical supplies at the drug store. If you are really fortunate you may be able to meet someone for a quick lunch, wondering the whole time how long you will last before you must get home because of your body signals. Then there are those days that, whether you feel good or bad, you have appointments to go to. These appointments many times are with doctors that are very hard to get appointments with so regardless of how you feel you go. I have to laugh at this because when I go to the doctor alone I usually tell them, I am good because I don't have my babysitter/driver with me today. On the bad days Rich takes me and sits in the room. It is funny because even when I am well most of what the doctor says to me goes in one ear and out the other. I think it is mostly because I get so worked up when I have to go all I do while I am there is wait for the moment it to be over so I can get out of the office and catch my breath. When Rich goes with me he always reminds me of what the doctor said and I usually look at him and say, "He/She didn't say that." I am the one who is usually wrong so I like it when he goes with me because I learn so much more. It is funny how your brain can just shut it all out and you only hear what you want to hear.

My post today has nothing to do with doctors. I has to do with a place. You know how there are many adult daycare centers out there for people who are unable to stay alone during the day while their caregivers work? A dream for me would be to have a place like that for chronically ill people. You wouldn't have to go everyday if you didn't want, but just have a place you could go and be understood. There could be quiet rooms for people who are forced to rest. Art rooms for people to create and use that form of expression to understand their illness. Game rooms for people who like to do games. Of course, a buffet room with all healthy, yummy foods! Classes to teach us how to cook healthy foods. these classes would also include ideas on how to take care of ourselves better than we do. Emotional support as well as the physical with trained professionals to help us deal with all we have to deal with on a daily basis. Exercise classes that work best for people with chronic illness, even a pool with warm water to help people who stiffen up in the cold water. A place filled with positive energy! Ahhh to dream!

First and most important if you are going to join this free club is you must be positive, not that you wouldn't be allowed to let it all out but you must at least try to see the good in all that you are dealing with. This is not only a help to yourself but to the others who are suffering. If you are negative to another person it is grounds for a kick in the pants straight out the door. I was just telling a friend how I went to a support group for a wide range of physical diseases. It wasn't until a few sessions later that I decided I would never went back. A a question came up and I answered, the woman next to me said straight to my face, "How would you know how it is is living in pain, you can take drugs to make you better, I can't." I was so shocked I couldn't speak back to her. Which, if you know me that doesn't happen real often as I am an opinionated ass most of the time. I left that meeting very upset. If there is one thing chronically ill people do not need it is rude comments. I have been very sad about that ever since. Right there is what I think the world thinks of people with chronic illness- You have arthritis? Oh we all have aches and pains, that one lady categorized the whole world for me. Sad, I know, but how I feel none the less. For me and others who suffer it is much, much more than a few aches and pains. How nice it would be to go to a place that was not only supportive and loving but also accepting and non judgemental. Just a place to fit in. A place you can go and be yourself. Cry if you need to, talk about your aches and pains and not have people look at you like you have four eyes when you do. A place of total love. Ahhh to dream!

Now all I need to do is find the funding. I know this dream will never become a reality but without dreams how do we live? I dream everyday that tomorrow will be my day. I will wake up and be cured. If I didn't I would never get through each and everyday. It is my hope and prayer everyone of you, no matter how hard the day is, are able to dream. If not, sit back, close your eyes, and dream you are in my/our dream center of love and support for chronic illness and know: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

God Bless!


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